- About
- Framework
- PBL Scenarios
- Secure Public Surfing: Public Open Wi-Fi
- Secure Software Development: Security Risks in Application Development
- Secure Software Development: Cryptography
- SME Security Governance
- Incident Response Management
- Social Engineering: Online Financial Management
- SME Risk Assessment
- Emergency Services: Fire Service
- Secure Development: Websites
- Evaluation
About CSKE
The Cyber Security Knowledge Exchange project has been designed to contribute to addressing the lack of skilled cyber security professionals and inadequate information security practices in SMEs.

This project addresses both concerns using innovative approaches, working with students and employers as partners on three key workstreams:
To create a series of themed online problem based learning (PBL) scenarios and resources for learning aspects of Cyber Security. These PBLs will be designed in conjunction with our industry partners, whose expertise will give the scenarios a real depth and authenticity.
The release these online learning materials via a massive open online course (MOOC) platform. These resources will be freely available to students and industry for use in personal development, as an academic study aim or in other continual professional development activity.
To create a student-focused knowledge exchange (KE) model for disseminating good cyber security practice in SMEs. This work will involve students from Edge Hill’s MSc Information Security and IT Management undertaking consultancy style assignments via a flexible, tested KE model.
Anticipated Outcomes
From this work, the project envisages delivering on a number of positive outcomes:
1. Creation of a richer pool of learning resources available for improved undergraduate, postgraduate teaching and SME CPD. This will lead to improved employability outcomes for students leading to improvements in graduate destinations data.
2. Creation of a new business support product which will lead to new KE opportunities for the institution, leading to possible impacts for research, enterprise and student employability. We also envisage the KE model being replicable within other institutions.
3. An increase in the authenticity and availability of cyber security course materials and increased cyber security knowledge amongst students.
4. A contribution to the government’s cyber security agenda and Cyber Essentials programme, improving cyber security in SMEs.
Industry Partners
Our collaboration with industry partners is key to the work of this project, all of whom are experts in their respective fields, vastly experienced at managing cyber security at the highest level. Their insights and expertise will provide the depth and authenticity to the PBL scenarios ensuring that the resources produced are fit for purpose and will contribute to creating highly employable cyber security graduates.
The Higher Education Academy’s (HEA) learning and teaching in cyber security grant scheme is a programme that provides the opportunity to create innovative evidence-informed practice. The HEA has committed to fund projects that have the potential to generate impact across the discipline, institution and the sector beyond, and to build upon existing practice and pedagogic research.
The scheme has been designed to support innovative proposals to improve learning and teaching in cyber security programmes and improve employability skills in graduates.